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Offshore wind power


Baltic Sea, outside the coast of Skåne, Sweden

Under development
Baltic Sea, outside the coast of Skåne
upp till 7,5 TWh
1,4 GW

About the project

OX2 is planning an offshore wind farm off the coast of Skåne, 30 km south of Ystad in Sweden’s economic zone. The wind farm is called Triton. Once in operation, Triton will generate up to 7 THw per annum, which corresponds to almost half of Skåne’s electricity consumption.

In the autumn of 2022, it was announced that Ingka Investments will become a partner in the project. Part of the IKEA sphere, Ingka Investments has high and ambitious climate targets and invests heavily in renewable energy production. Today they own over 2 GW of renewable energy production. OX2 and Ingka are jointly developing the Triton wind farm.

The permit application for the offshore wind farm was submitted to the Swedish government during the winter of 2021/2022. The government then asked the county administrative board (CAB) of Skåne to prepare the application and on June 8, 2023, the CAB announced that they propose that the government grants Triton the permit. Permits needed for grid concession are currently being prepared and are to be submitted early 2024 in order to promptly start delivering large-scale fossil free electricity to the Swedish grid.

More information about the project can be found in Swedish

Key facts

Project key facts

Offshore wind power
Under development
Baltic Sea, outside the coast of Skåne
Number of turbines
Max 340 m
upp till 7,5 TWh
1,4 GW
Price area
Ingka Investments 49%, OX2 51%

Varför havsbaserad vindkraft?

Sverige och världen behöver göra stora omställningar för att bromsa klimatförändringarnas effekter, där elektrifiering av industri och fordonsflotta pekas ut bland de viktigaste åtgärderna. Samtidigt har det förändrade säkerhetsläget i Europa tydliggjort vikten av att beroendet av importerad energi från Ryssland minskar. Eftersom Sveriges elnät är sammankopplat med Europas påverkas vi av höga elpriser. Sammantaget är behovet av mer svensk elproduktion är stort och akut.

Läs mer om OX2 och havsbaserad vindkraft


Foto- och videomontage finns tillgängliga från flera utkikspunkter i Skåne.

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Do you want to know more?

General inquiries
[email protected]

Project contacts for Triton

Project manager
Matilda Hagert


Lise Toll

+46 76 109 59 33