Sustainability case studies
Our systematic sustainability work helps us to accelerate access to renewable energy in a responsible manner, because our expansion of renewable energy cannot come at the expense of nature or people. Here you find sustainability case studies that illustrate this systematic work.

Wetland restoration in Klevberget
In connection with OX2’s construction of the Klevberget wind farm in Ånge municipality in Sweden, OX2 has taken the initiative to increase the biodiversity by re-establishing the freshwater pearl mussel.
Read more about the wetland restoration
Large-scale seaweed farming
OX2 has signed letters of intent with the companies Kobb and Nordic Seafarm to investigate possibilities for the large-scale cultivation of seaweed at the planned Galene offshore wind farm, off the west coast of Sweden.
Read more about the seaweed farming
Positive impact in Wysoka
Proposed measures at the wind farm in Wysoka, Poland, will have a positive impact on the local environment through ecosystem services.
Read more about the ecosystem services
Transition to renewable energy means demand for new skills
OX2 Poland, together with Windhunter Academy, has implemented a training program for former miners to meet the increased need for labor in the wind energy sector.
Read more about the training program
Exploring synergies in Björkskär
As part of the development of renewable energy projects in Åland, OX2 explores synergies between business and biodiversity.
Read more about the synergies in Björkskär
Meadow flowers, insects and solar power in pilot project on Åland
At what is set to become Möckelö energy park, a pilot project is underway where OX2 is testing measures to strengthen the area’s natural ecosystems and biodiversity.
Read more about the pilot project on Åland
Improving conditions for the endangered brown lake trout
In connection with OX2’s construction of the Niinimäki wind farm in Pieksämäki municipality in Finland, OX2 have together with partners taken the initiative to increase biodiversity by restoring the streams where the endangered brown lake trout live.
Read more about how we improve the conditions for the troutRestoration of pastures
In connection with OX2's construction of the Karskruv wind farm in Uppvidinge municipality, OX2 has taken the initiative to increase biodiversity values by recreating pastures.
Read more about restoration of pastures