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Health and Safety

We want to be a role model and act progressively and responsibly when it comes to Health and Safety. Our vision is zero accidents and zero harm to our employees, contractors, and other relevant stakeholders. We always strive to make a workplace as safe as possible and ensure that everyone involved returns safely to their loved ones after work.

Prioritized Health and Safety measurements

We work systematically to improve physical and social well-being at the workplace, aiming for high attendance and low levels of prolonged sick leave.

There is a strong awareness of health and safety at OX2's construction sites as well as in our offices, where safety is the top priority. An integral aspect of our health and safety efforts is that they involve everyone, employees, contractors, and suppliers alike. It is about everyone's ability and obligation to act as role models, not taking short cuts in terms of health and safety and by that contributing to a systematic approach towards our zero-vision in health and safety.

Incidents and accidents are reported and investigated, with a significant focus on preventive measures and early detection and management of risks to avoid accidents. This is an area where all involved parties are expected to take responsibility. It is only when we all, working as one team and regardless of role, fully understand our potential for impact, that systematic work environment management achieves its full effect. Internal audits are conducted regularly, and the results are shared with relevant parties to continuously enhance safety practices.

Examples of activities include:

  • Following all local health and safety regulations and requirements.
  • Identifying, monitoring, and sharing knowledge about risks to prevent accidents.
  • Reporting incidents and observations for learning and improvements.
  • Collaborating with staff and safety representatives to address health and safety issues.
  • Strengthening leadership, safety culture, and awareness of health and safety matters.
  • Continuous training and education in health and safety for employees.
  • Establishing and monitoring health and safety targets.

Read our Health and Safety Policy

Work-related injuries

 2023 2022 2021 
Number of employees by type of employment and level of employment

Employees and suppliers1 

 EmployeesSuppliers  EmployeesSuppliers
Number of work-related deaths 0 0 0 00
Number of work-related injuries resulting in absence  6 0 6 07
Injury rate per 1,000,000 hours 3.4 - 3.74 -5.97
Number of work-related injuries with serious consequences 2 0 1 03
Number of accidents that did not result in sick leave  37 2 36 438
Total number of hours worked 1,765,256 - 1,664,185 -1,218,319

1. In 2023, employees and suppliers are reported together, as the injury rate per million hours worked refers to both OX2’s employees and the employees of suppliers. In the latter part of 2023, a new system for reporting accidents and work-related injuries was introduced to ensure  more systematic reporting of all injuries relating to OX2’s employees. All employees are encouraged to report any work-related injuries and  we expect to have improved statistics for our own employees in 2024. 


  • Zero severe accidents.
  • High, set level of preventive reporting in the OX2 projects and organisation.
  • Lost-time injury frequency rate below 3