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Diversity and inclusion

At OX2 we firmly believe that diverse, inclusive teams perform better. We promote a culture where all our employees feel comfortable and confident to be themselves, and were everyone feels valued and respected. We have a zero tolerance policy on discrimination and harassment and we work to ensure a fair representation of underrepresented groups. 

A diverse and inclusive culture 

All our employees should expect equitable and respectful treatment from colleagues and everyone should be able to bring their whole self to work and feel valued for who they are. At OX2 we are all responsible for building a culture where everyone feel safe to make mistakes, are encouraged to learn and empowered to perform at their best. In that sense, we are all responsible to cultivate our own growth mindset and continuously acquire the skills we need to perform at our best and thrive.

To secure diversity and inclusion in our organization, we educate our teams continuously. We conduct salary reviews, and track and improve gender distribution – in teams, in our Management team and in the Board. We also secure a diverse selection of talents in all our recruitments. To ensure a continued gender-equal basis of recruitment, OX2 requires that its recruitment partners always present the same number of female candidates as male candidates. If misconduct is suspected, this shall be reported to the immediate superior in the first instance and where this is not possible, to someone else at the company. OX2 also uses a whistleblower function which enables employees to report suspected misconduct at the workplace anonymously.

Our goal is to zero cases of discrimination or harassment and to have an even gender distribution in the management team and overall at OX2. 

Diversity of governance bodies and employees

 Number of employees by genderWomen Men  Women Men  Women Men  
Board of Directors  350% 50%  338% 62% 338% 62% 
Management team 29% 71% 29% 71% 38% 62% 
Other managers1  2139% 33 61% 1335% 24 65%  1739% 27 61% 
Employees 181 42% 254 58% 136 42% 186 58% 96 43% 129 57% 
Total number of employees2  20441% 292 59% 15141% 215 59%  11642% 161 58% 

Number of employees by age<3030-50>50<3030-50>50<3030-50>50
Board of Directors 006017017
Management team 052052062
Other managers1 0351902980386
Employees 513285640243393816621
Total number of employees2 513687740277493821029

1 Other managers are part of the Extended Leadership team and report directly to the management team
2 Excluding Board of Directors


  • Zero discrimination or harassment.
  • Even gender distribution in the Leadership team and  overall at OX2.