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OX2 aims to develop renewable electricity generation that creates significant climate benefits while also benefiting biodiversity. We want to lead the way towards a nature-positive climate transition. 

Biodiversity, the variety of life on Earth, has been declining at an alarming rate. The loss of biodiversity threatens humanity’s well-being and prosperity as society is dependent on healthy nature and the ecosystem services that is provides.

Renewable energy tackles climate change, one of the main drivers of biodiversity loss. Renewable energy projects, however, also comes with negative impact on nature, mainly through the occupation of land. We believe that renewable energy should not come at the expense of nature and therefore aim to develop nature-positive solar and wind farms by 2030. 

Biodiversity strategy

Our biodiversity strategy guides us in how to work with biodiversity and aims to support us achieving our biodiversity targets. The biodiversity strategy encompasses three goal areas:

  • Use the mitigation hierarchy as a guiding principle to manage impacts on nature
  • Create awareness, credibility and transparency around the work on biodiversity by measuring, documenting, reporting and communicating
  • Collaborate with scientists, landowners and other external stakeholders for knowledge and action, to achieve more impact than if we were to do it on our own   

Read our biodiversity strategy 

Read our mitigation hierarchy guideline


  • Develop nature-positive solar and wind farms by 2030

Explore case studies related to biodiversity