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Business ethics

As a company, employer and business partner OX2 has, together with its employees, a core belief in the inherent good of people, their motivation and ability to treat each other fairly, do the right thing and contribute to a sustainable future. However, the boundaries of integrity, ethics and conditions to act ethically are in constant development, making ethical behavior and decision making a complex matter. 

Zero tolerance of corruption

Our Code of Conduct, Anti-Corruption Policy, Supplier Code of Conduct and values provide guidance to our employees and business partners on ethical conduct. We have zero tolerance of corruption and we are determined to act with professionalism and integrity in all business dealings and relationships. Our Anti-Corupption policy is systematically revised and updated to incorporate potential risks in this area.

Our Code of Conduct is part of each employee’s employment contract and describes the behaviour we expect from everyone representing OX2. During 2021, 87 percent of our employees whose work may expose them to potential corruption, have undergone training on this issue. Further training will be arranged for new employees next year. 

All OX2’s suppliers must commit to work in line with our Supplier Code of Conduct. When acquiring projects with new business partners and entering into contracts with local developers, a background check is performed on the company and senior personnel.


Our whistleblowing service is an early warning system to reduce risks. It is an important tool to foster high ethical standards and maintaining customer and public confidence in us. The whistleblowing service can be used to alert us about serious risks of wrongdoing affecting people, our organisation, society, or the environment. A report can include information regarding criminal offences, irregularities and violations or other actions in breach of EU or national laws, within a work-related context.

Read the OX2 Code of Conduct

Go to OX2's whistleblowing service 


All employees whose work may expose them to potential corruption must have undergone anti-corruption training.