Offshore wind power
Kattegatt, outside the coast of Halland, Sweden
- Phase
- Under development
- Location
- Kattegatt, outside the coast of Halland
- Area
- Svensk ekonomisk zon
- Commissioned
- 2031
- Production
- 1,7 TWh
- Capacity
- 400 MW
About the project
The Swedish government announced 16 May 2023 that OX2 has received permission to build the northern part of the project Galatea-Galene on the west coast of Sweden, with a potential capacity of 400 MW. The northern part is called Galene and is named after a Greek sea nymph and the area is located about 22 km outside the city of Varberg, in Kattegatt off the coast of Halland, in the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone.
More information about the project can be found in Swedish

Key facts
Project key facts
- Technology
- Offshore wind power
- Phase
- Under development
- Location
- Kattegatt, outside the coast of Halland
- Area
- Svensk ekonomisk zon
- Number of turbines
- 21
- Height
- Max 340 m
- Commissioned
- 2031
- Production
- 1,7 TWh
- Capacity
- 400 MW
- Price area
- SE3
- Owner
- Ingka Investment 49%, OX2 51%
Project documents
- Broschyr havsbaserad vindkraft Galene
- Visualiseringar
- MKB anslutningskablar (MB, koncession, KSL), november 2023
- Regeringsbeslut tillstånd för Galene i SEZ, maj 2023
- Ansökan för Natura 2000, oktober 2021
- MKB för Natura 2000, oktober 2021
- Yttrande för Natura 2000, december 2022
- Ansökan för SEZ och KSL, december 2021
- MKB för SEZ och KSL, december 2021
- Bemötande för SEZ och KSL, december 2022
- Frågor och svar
- Teknisk beskrivning för vindpark Galene, december 2021
OX2 and our suppliers are guests in the local communities. For us, it is extremely important to create dialogue with and show respect for the people who live and work in the local area. This includes transparent communication, creating local jobs, business sector development or financial grants through community funds or property tax, depending on the market and conditions in the area.
The expansion of renewable energy should not come at the expense of nature, and it is not enough for us to mitigate climate change. We have long worked to minimize our negative impact on nature and are now taking decisive action towards our goal of nature-positive wind and solar farms by 2030.
Our projects are sustainable by design, from early planning to construction and management.
Grievance and complaints
Grievance and complaints
Grievance and complaints
The grievance mechanism is targeted towards individuals, communities and companies who have feedback or concerns regarding our projects.
OX2 takes all complaints seriously and aims to acknowledge and resolve complaints promptly. A complaint is a formal expression of dissatisfaction made to or about OX2, related to its project development, construction, operation, or a staff member.
We acknowledge that anyone has a right to lodge a complaint and we will ensure that all the complaints we receive will be managed respectfully, objectively, and efficiently.

Fotomontage finns tillgängliga från flera utkikspunkter längs Hallandskusten. På bilden visas ett fotomontage från Glommen Glomstenen.
2025-02-04 Tillstånden för flera havsvindparker står fast (DI)
2024-06-14 Dagens teknik kan snabbt leverera el i södra Sverige till låg kostnad (GP)
2024-05-20 Så många svenska vindparker krockar – ”elproduktion försenas” (nyteknik.se)
2024-05-09 Havsbaserad vindkraft – så går det för svenska jätteprojekten (nyteknik.se)
2024-01-09 ”Vi bygger vindkraft till havs utan statsstöd för kablarna” (DN.se)
2024-01-09 OX2 och Ellevio inleder samarbetet för Galene havsvindpark | VINDKRAFTSnyheter.se
2023-12-01 Nytt uppdrag för Varbergs hamn (Transportnytt)
2023-10-26 Uppstickare vill få svenskar att äta alger – odlade på Västkusten (nyteknik.se)
2023-05-16 Två nya vindkraftsparker ska byggas till havs (SvT)
2022-11-20 Storskalig tångodling kan bli verklighet utanför Hallands kust | SVT Nyheter
2022-09-30 Could offshore wind sites host edible seaweed farms? The Swedes think so (electrek.co)
Do you want to know more?
General inquiries
[email protected]
Project contacts for Galene
Project manager
Matilda Hagert

Lise Toll
+46 76 109 59 33