Onshore wind power
Åmot-Lingbo och Tönsen vindparker (Valhalla)
Ockelbo & Bollnäs, Sweden
- Phase
- In operation
- Location
- Ockelbo & Bollnäs
- Commissioned
- 2020
- Production
- 1,1 TWh
About the project
Project Valhalla consists of the Åmot-Lingbo and Tönsen wind farms, located in the municipalities of Ockelbo and Bollnäs. The project includes a total of 85 wind turbines, with 58 in Åmot-Lingbo and 27 in Tönsen. The expected annual production is just over 1.1 TWh, which corresponds to the annual household electricity consumption of approximately 230,000 households and a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 90,000 tons per year when it displaces coal and gas power in neighboring countries or enables the electrification of the transport sector and industry.
Aquila Capital acquired the project in 2017. Construction took place between 2018 and 2020. Today, the wind farm is owned by CGNEE and Federated Hermes Infrastructure.
During the operational phase, OX2 is responsible for the technical and commercial management of the wind farm.
For disturbances or incidents, please contact the operations center:
+46 8 559 310 07
[email protected]
For more info, please see Swedish project site (in Swedish)

Key facts
Project key facts
- Technology
- Onshore wind power
- Phase
- In operation
- Location
- Ockelbo & Bollnäs
- Number of turbines
- 85 V136 4.3 MW
- Height
- 180 m
- Commissioned
- 2020
- Production
- 1,1 TWh
- Owner
- CGNEE, Federated Hermes Infrastructure
- Supplier
- Vestas
OX2 and our suppliers are guests in the local communities. For us, it is extremely important to create dialogue with and show respect for the people who live and work in the local area. This includes transparent communication, creating local jobs, business sector development or financial grants through community funds or property tax, depending on the market and conditions in the area.
The expansion of renewable energy should not come at the expense of nature, and it is not enough for us to mitigate climate change. We have long worked to minimize our negative impact on nature and are now taking decisive action towards our goal of nature-positive wind and solar farms by 2030.
Our projects are sustainable by design, from early planning to construction and management.
It is possible to hike, hunt, or pick berries and mushrooms in the wind farm area, with respect to the area's warning signs and prevailing weather conditions. Caution should be observed in certain weather conditions. It is unsafe to be near the wind turbines during thunderstorms and when there is a risk of ice or snow falling from the wind turbines. Therefore, please pay attention to the local weather conditions. Ice accumulation on wind turbines occurs at temperatures just above 0 °C and colder, especially during snowfall or when the turbine is covered with fog or clouds. A safety distance of at least 400 m should be maintained to each wind turbine during these conditions.
Grievance and complaints
Grievance and complaints
Grievance and complaints
The grievance mechanism is targeted towards individuals, communities and companies who have feedback or concerns regarding our projects.
OX2 takes all complaints seriously and aims to acknowledge and resolve complaints promptly. A complaint is a formal expression of dissatisfaction made to or about OX2, related to its project development, construction, operation, or a staff member.
We acknowledge that anyone has a right to lodge a complaint and we will ensure that all the complaints we receive will be managed respectfully, objectively, and efficiently.
En bygdepeng betalas ut årligen till ett antal lokala mottagarorganisationer som representerar olika geografiska områden. Medlen ska fördelas för att främja projekt eller gemensamma anläggningar som är positiva för utvecklingen av de olika byarna med närområden.
Bygdepengen beräknas bli mellan 400 000-650 000 kronor per år för Åmot-Lingo vindpark och 250 000-350 000 kronor per år för Tönsen vindpark.
- Hanebo Framtid
- Tönsen Byalag
- Ockelbo kommun, Lingbo och Åmot Vindkraftfond
- Hanebo-Segersta Fiskevårdsområdesförening
- Bollnäs Skoterklubb
- Lötens Bygdegårdsförening
- Katrinebergs Bygdeförening
- Gopens vänner
- Ockelbo kommun, Mo Tomtnäs Vindkraftfond
Se filmen om lokal dialog och miljöhänsyn.

Do you want to know more?
General inquiries
[email protected]
Project contacts for Åmot-Lingbo och Tönsen vindparker (Valhalla)
Commercial asset manager
Hannes Bäckbro
+46 76 104 09 90