Financial targets and key figures
Growth target
OX2’s aim over the period 2023–2027 is to achieve an average annual growth rate (CAGR) in operating income of at least 25 percent. OX2 has a target of >1,500 MW sold per year on average during the period 2023–2024.
Goal: Operating income 2023–2027
>25% CAGR
Goal: MW sold per year on average during the period 2023–2024
>1,500 MW
Goal: MW sold per year from 2025
>2,000 MW
Profitability target
OX2’s goal is to achieve an operating margin of over 10 percent.
Goal: Operating margin
Outcome 2023:
Return target
OX2’s goal is to achieve a return on capital employed of more than 25 percent.
Goal: Return on capital employed
Outcome 2023: