Tomasz Guzowski, Vice President, Poland
Tomasz graduated in Spatial Economy in 2005, when he found an ad in a newspaper looking for a wind farm location specialist for turbine manufacturer Gamesa. He has worked in onshore wind ever since, from early phase development up to the final stage, taking care of the screening for potential locations, development, and asset management. Tomasz joined OX2 in 2019 and is today Vice President for OX2 Poland.

What role does onshore wind play in the energy transition?
“It plays a crucial role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and it is the cheapest energy source available. Thanks to onshore wind, electricity becomes cheaper than when generated from power stations combusting coal, crude oil, or gas. But the energy transition to renewable energy sources means more than just a technological and financial change. It also involves a change in the labor market, which is why we in 2021 conducted a training project aimed at miners who are leaving the mining industry.”
What did this training involve?
“It was aimed at mining sector employees interested in continuing their career in the wind energy sector. In cooperation with Spółka Restrukturyzacji Kopalń S.A. the training provided instructions on working at heights, fire safety, manual labor and working at sea. The course curriculum reflected international standards and the miners received internationally recognized Global Wind Organization certification.”
Why did you launch this initiative?
“Because we want to actively participate in the energy transition. We also want to show that experienced workers who are leaving mining jobs can play a significant role in the development of the wind energy sector. We are proving that energy transition in Poland is possible and that this is what will enable a transition of workers from the so-called conventional energy sector to green energy.”
"We are proving that energy transition in Poland is possible."
Tomasz Guzowski, Vice President, Polen